

In 2018, Let America Vote knocked 36,212 doors and made 8,163 calls to help flip 4 state legislative seats and help elect 13 voting-rights champions. Additionally, Let America Vote knocked doors to help pass an automatic voter registration ballot initiative.

Targeted 2018 races:
Senate District 8: 2,559 doors for Marilyn Dondero-Loop (flip)
Senate District 9: 8,338 doors for Melanie Scheible (flip)
Assembly District 29: 2,669 doors for Lesley Cohen (hold)
Assembly District 35: 4,890 doors for Michelle Gorelow (hold)
Assembly District 41: 1,341 doors for Sandra Jauregui (hold)
Clark County Commission: 6,007 doors for Justin Jones (hold)
We also took door knocking shifts for Lt. Governor-elect Kate Marshall (flip), Attorney General-elect Aaron Ford (flip), and the successful Automatic Voter Registration ballot initiative.
Let America Vote was proud to endorse Steve Sisolak for Governor because of his commitment to advancing voting rights
We knocked doors on a more limited basis for Connie Munk (Assembly District 4), Brittney Miller (Assembly District 5), Steve Yeager (Assembly District 9), Skip Daly (Assembly District 31) and Shea Backus (Assembly District 37).

Our boots-on-the-ground team is continuing operations in Nevada in 2019 and 2020 to fight for pro-voting measures: