
Cast of The West Wing Reunites to Support Let America Vote

The cast of the Emmy award-winning TV show The West Wing recently reunited to record a public service announcement for Let America Vote. In an exclusive video produced by NowThis, The West Wing cast issues a PSA encouraging Americans to stand up to vote-suppressing politicians and join Let America Vote’s fight for voting rights.

“Not only is the cast of The West Wing a group of remarkably talented actors and actresses who inspired a generation of Americans to become politically involved, but they’re all activists who care deeply about voting rights,” said Jason Kander, President of Let America Vote. “We’re extremely grateful that the cast took the time to record such a sincere message about why we need to fight now to protect voting rights.”

Cast members included:

Dulé Hill (Charlie Young)
Allison Janney (CJ Cregg)
Mary McCormack (Kate Harper)
Janel Moloney (Donna Moss)
Richard Schiff (Toby Ziegler)
Martin Sheen (Jed Bartlett)
Jimmy Smits (Matt Santos)
Bradley Whitford (Josh Lyman)

Watch the video HERE.