
Blog: Expanding access for hackers, not you

There’s a lot happening in Washington, DC right now. It is nearly impossible to keep track of everything extremists are pushing through and I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss this:

“House Republicans Just Voted to Eliminate the Only Federal Agency that Makes Sure Voting Machines Can’t be Hacked.” The Nation, 2/7/2017

These extremists insist on placing more and more restrictions on voting rights in America. They claim it’s to protect voting.

If their concerns about voter fraud are genuine, they shouldn’t be eliminating the only Federal Agency that protects voting machines from hacking.

Add your name to mine → Tell members of Congress we can’t make it easier to hack elections.

The Election Assistance Commission has great importance. It is the only federal agency that makes sure voting machines are hack-proof. It helps states conduct elections and improves election administration.

So really, these extremists insist on restricting access to the voting booth — for everyone but hackers.

This could be up for a vote on the floor of the House soon. Before it does, let members of Congress know that you are AGAINST the elimination of the Election Assistance Commission.

